
Already in 1992 after graduating from highschool I went out in the big wild world...

Going Downunder as Aupair, but because of working all the time, I didn´t have much time to travel. Though I went to Queensland I traveled from Melbourne (Victoria) up to the Tropical North and Partytown Cairns. All this by bus and flying back to work...

This was when the 'travelbug' got into me...and of course I'd only seen a littel tiny bit of the vast and beautiful continent...So in December 1998 I went back Downunder for 4 month to getting to know the country starting from the Down to Earth City Melbourne, heading west and ending up in the Heart of OZ - Alice Springs and Úluru (Ayes Rock)....

Here is an overview over the States in OZ I went to. Click on the Image and you'll get to know more about each region...

Have fun!