Here's a selection a my work and projects from school...

Click a look around to each one of them...

I dont't favourize a certain style, it depends on the type of work it have to do...sometimes I like many effects with mant different colors, but sometimes it just has to be very plain with a selected range of colors.

My art teacher once said to me: " You've got so many ideas and you are full of creativity...but the single page isn't that you have to arrange your ideas and creativity to fit to the certain occation.- that's an artists job."

That he said to me at the very beginning of my schoolcareer, I learned a lot since then...and think that I manage quite well to place the creative ideas where they belong...


At the moment I work for a small company in germany doing web design, it quite challenging, because I work from home...but you learn somthing every day...before I started really concentrating on doing webdesign, I thought it limits peoples creativity...well, in a way it does...but once you get into deep with all the webdesign tools, there are more options that I thought...

To the right you see a selection of my work...feel free to explore them.

it's all about to create something unique to avoid to part of the crowd!

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