In Business of Graphic Design there is fierce competition. there are many people out there that have as many good and creative ideas as I have...the thing is to be a little bit better and original...

Once you have created something unique and are sure to succeed

  Se stort format!

Summer2000 I won the competition in creating the best logo and slogan for the anual meeting of the danish minority In Germany/Flensburg.

That was a good start for my "career". Have a look at the logo.Click on the small image to get an enlarged view.

  You can also see photos from the day,where I was photographed for the newspaper. Of course I was proud like a God and my parents too( as the picture evidences)...

I never would have thought that they would choose me, but it was exacly what they wanted...simple with the right message.

These photographs are from the first article in the newspaper...and there was more to come...I never experienced so much publicity before...





Now I'm looking forward to participating in the "Årsmødeplakat 2001" competition...

and it happend again!!!

They choosed my lay-out for the Årsmødeplakat 2001.

The programme a play from the theatre Group I designed and made the lay-out.



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